Snappers Facial Rig

This is absolutely brilliant! Loved the level
of details on the facial expression/sculpts and the articulation of
automated maps. Mouth shapes are really well done!

P.S. Too bad my graphics card do not support dx11! need to upgrade lol 😉

Cartoon Character Rigging Workshop in BLENDER

Cartoon Character Rigging Workshop in BLENDER from Puppeteer Lounge on Vimeo.

We are pleased to announce the launch of BLENDER workshops!

Check out the rigging demonstration for Cartoon Character Rigging Worshop in BLENDER!

This course will teach you how to make a powerful rig for a cartoony
biped character in the open source software Blender. Focusing on making a
rig that can be easily transferable and reused on other characters with
minimal extra work.

Join us to learn cartoon character rigging in BLENDER with Jeremy Davidson!

Introductory Limited Offer for Blender Workshop!

We will be offering 10% discount to all existing Puppeteer Lounge students, members of DLF and Blender Army

RigTip of the day (23-May-2014)

#rigTip of the day!

Ever got stuck with mirroring the muscle weight with standard #Maya
skin weights mirror tool? Well mirroring weights in Maya is based on
the world space XYZ transformation co-ordinate of joint or influence
object. Maya muscle objects on the other hand is frozen in
transformation, as a result we are unable to mirror weights and usually
stuck with painting the weights on both sides.
Well for some cases this is a nice choice since we have asymmetry in
deformation but for the most the time, this is frustration to repeat the
same thing on the other side and a waste of time. Asymmetry can be
created with simple corrective shapes, no problem!

Well there
is a clever solution to this problem. Why don’t we just go on to attach
the influence objects to create a single mesh. Selecting left and right
influence nurbs object (muscle mesh) and attaching them to create a
single mesh! There you go, that was SIMPLE! All you need to do, is paint
the weight on the left and the mirroring works like a charm! Pheewww…
that saved us some time.

Hope this rigTip comes handy to you:)

If you want to learn more about Musculo-Skeletal deformation, check out these Mini-Workshops at Puppeteer Lounge!

“Génesis” character rigs by Victor Vinyals

“Génesis” character rigs from Victor Vinyals on Vimeo.

Character rigging demonstration for a
commercial by Victor Vinyals. In the demonstration Victor used his handy
non-roll arm (leg) setup to give each of these characters an edge with
the range of deformation.

If you would like to purchase the
video recording of Puppeteer Lounge’s exclusive Non-Flip Setup Webinar
with Victor Vinyals, contact us: info(a)