animator_reel by 이준우
Seriously amazing animation over here by
Korean animator 이준우. Loved the style of animation with multiple frames,
smears and distortion 🙂
Make Human
Looks like open source programs are getting a much needed highlight these days. Here is another one to well make humans. Download it for free here!
Rebuild Blendshape Node 1.0.0 (maya script)
with connecting SDK or shuffling around… well here is a real life
saver script by Jay Grenier!
The script works by deleting all unnecessary connection from blendshape node except the one you manually selected from the stack! Check it out 🙂
Great thanks to Jay!
Sony Pictures Imageworks Sizzle Reel
Very cool reel from Sony Imageworks!
Project “I” – Making of by IXOR
Check out this making of video by IXOR for their upcoming movie “Project I”. I initially worked on the project as a rigger bringing the cg human and demons to life…
Love these cartoon rigs by Alexander. Check out this equally impressive animation he have done below!
Cham-Cham promo from San_oOo on Vimeo.
Watch_Dogs featuring NVIDIA Technologies [UK]
Take a look at how Watch Dogs and Nvidia are working together to create visually stunning environment!
SolverBob rigging showreel
Intuitive and flexible rigging demonstration by Giorgio. The spring setup seems to be very handy for animation!