
Semi Auto Skinning Framework demo by Hans

Semi Auto Skinning Framework from Hans Godard on Vimeo.

skinning is going to be not as time-consuming as it is now with this
new algorithm computing the weights automatically. But still skin
painting is a very creative process more like an artist creating a

wonder why Maya doesn’t have a good deformer which will relax
deformations properly, such as StretchMesh or the one above. Guess
Autodesk will implement these in the near future πŸ™‚

3 Days to go! SHAPES Webinar with Andrew Silke

Posted this directly from Create 3d Characters by Andrew Silke!

be speaking at the Puppeteer Lounge Shapes Webinar is this Sunday!
Sunday morn for some of you in the rest of the world (Europe USA).

Since I’m so excited about SHAPES 2 I’ve uploaded this free demo video
demonstrating how simple and powerful this tool is. (see below)

The webinar is a one hour introduction to SHAPES 2 at the Puppeteer Lounge covering the facial setup of Natalie. $75 USD.
This is an insight into how facial is done on some of the worlds
biggest movies and games using techniques that are becoming the norm but
until lately haven’t been available in off the shelf tools.

SHAPES is fastest becoming the best off the shelf corrective blendshape
editor/blendshape sculptor and total blendshape manager for Maya. Comes
with paint masking, grab brush, one click pose space deformation or
driven key setup, complete symmetry handling tools, full export import,
one click topology changer and much more.

Webinar At the Puppeteer Lounge ($75)

SHAPES 2.0 Video Introduction (Free)

Natalie Facial Video (free rig coming soon)

SHAPES Official Page

HRCS (Rigging Workshop 3) Facial Setup WIP Demo

HRCS (Rigging Workshop 3) Facial Setup WIP Demo from Suchan Bajracharya on Vimeo.

out this quick WIP facial rig demo from Puppeteer Lounge‘s Rigging Workshop 3 (Hyper
Real Character Setup). The rig currently is based upon muscle, joints
and blendshapes. Small details like wrinkles, folding/creases will be
added upon based on triggered maps. Sticky lips/eyes and skin
sliding/dynamics will also be featured for more accurate facial
deformation. Stay tuned for our student’s reel!

You can also watch body rig/deformation demo here:

More about Rigging Workshops at Puppeteer Lounge:

Hyper Real Facial Setup Demonstration

Hyper Real Facial Setup Demonstration from Puppeteer Lounge on Vimeo.

Here is a quick video demonstration showcasing
the facial rig that I created and taught to students for Puppeteer Lounge’s Hyper Real Facial Setup training
workshop. The rig features a combination of musculo-skeletal
deformation and corrective shapes. You can also see the rig being
driven by the facial motion capture performance which is covered in
Puppeteer Lounge’s Facial Motion Capture Setup workshop.

For more info about Puppeteer Lounge’s training workshops in character rigging:

Apply here to start learning:

ZV Radial Blend Shape 3.0 – Eyelid deformer for Maya

ZV Radial Blend Shape 3.0 – Eyelid deformer for Maya from Paolo Dominici on Vimeo.

Looks like a very useful tool for a quick eye setup. ZV Radial Blend Shape by Paolo Dominici.
I have been experimenting with this tool and I have to say, it is pretty
cool. I will try to implement this into some of my facial rigging stuff. Let’s see how it goes! With
radial, the linear interpolation of blendshapes from point A to B is
converted into a arc which is crucial to facial deformation.


Rigging Workshop 3 “Hyper Real Character Setup” Body Rig Deformation

Rigging Workshop 3 “Hyper Real Character Setup” Body Rig Deformation from Puppeteer Lounge on Vimeo.

This is a quick video demonstration that we did on body
deformation and character rig for “Gurung” character from Puppeteer
Lounge Rigging Workshop 3 “Hyper Real Character Setup” with the students.

Do check out Puppeteer Lounge’s training workshops on character rigging here:

Gurung model sculpted & modeled during Puppeteer Lounge’s training workshops on Character Modeling.

You can apply here to learn with us:

Find us on FACEBOOK :
TWITTER: @puppeteerlounge