Procedural Chain Setup

Here is a little video tutorial/demo on creating a procedural joint chain animation setup … XD

Enjoy and feel free to comment, also the script mentioned in this video is available here …

Maya Didi

A little project that I was involved in … did the character setup for the lady character, animated by Escape Animation Nepal. The animation is about a mid aged Nepali lady talking about climate change and the problems she faced due to climate change in a tea shop 🙂

Cotton Clouds

Some really cool cloud formation that I manage to photograph … Looks very stylised and CG !!!

The Making of Descendants

The creators of the most astounding visual story have come together to present the tutorial to the making of ‘Descendants’. Done as a final year project at the Filmakademie, this has been on the festival circuit for a year or so. Click the image…


Here is a behind the scene sneak peek …

Descendants from Goro Fujita on Vimeo.