Learn to setup a book rig using dynamics with this old tutorial of mine! Did this video a long time ago and I find it still relevant. Enjoy the rig tips and techniques!!
Cartoon facial rig demo by Mason Smigel.
Cartoon Body Rigging by Hen Avisror | Student Demo Reel
Cartoon Body Rigging by Hen Avisror | Student Demo Reel from Puppeteer Lounge on Vimeo.
Character Setup (Rigging Workshop 2) by Puppeteer Lounge student Hen Avisror. Well done Hen!
Maya Autorig User Interface by Mehdi Louala
Maya Autorig User Interface from Mehdi Louala on Vimeo.
Character Rigging by Allen C. Paul | Student Demo Reel
Character Rigging by Allen C. Paul | Student Demo Reel from Puppeteer Lounge on Vimeo.
Character Setup (Mechanical Setup) by Puppeteer Lounge student Allen C. Paul. If you want to learn like Allen, apply here!
ZIVA VFX Muscle Fiber Auto Firing & Simulation Breakdown
ZIVA VFX Muscle Fiber Auto Firing from Puppeteer Lounge on Vimeo.
ZIVA VFX Muscle Simulation Breakdown | Tiger from Suchan Bajracharya on Vimeo.
I have always been fascinated by science and animation. Musculo-skeletalal cat-walk we created at Puppeteer Lounge!
With ZIVA VFX tool-set we can auto fire (trigger) the muscle fiber excitation for anatomically correct muscular contraction and relaxation. Watch full breakdown video here.
Happy New Year 2017
Character TD show-reel by Joseph Stanley
Love the simulation and how he have integrated it with the character rigs. Joseph is currently taking Rigging Workshop at Puppeteer Lounge.
猪猪侠大电影4_片花GG Bond_Movie04 Trailer01
Check out the trailer for the latest animated production, Puppeteer Lounge student Parker Lai and his team is working on
tech demo by student Ryugasaki Hu
tech demo prototype 2015 from Ryugasaki Hu on Vimeo.
Rigging & Tools showreel by Puppeteer Lounge student Ryugasaki Hu.