pupPetEEr Lounge

Happy 1st Birthday to The pupPetEEr’s Lounge

Wishing you all a very warm, successful, prosperous and healthy new year 2012! The pupPetEEr’s Lounge is also celebrating it’s 1st successful anniversary on the same day. Many thanks and best wishes to all my wonderful students and well wishers. Cheers  πŸ™‚

On this special occasion, I would like to personally offer a 25% special discount to all my existing students and all new registration for the month of January for any given workshop! So hurry up πŸ˜€

Bean ~ Cartoony Vehicle Setup

Here comes Bean, the cartoony vehicle character featured on the menu for my online rigging workshops (The pupPetEEr’s Lounge). The course deals on creating a feature animation ready, fully Car – Toony, squash and stretch integrated, bendy and deformable vehicle rig with an intuitive and expressive facial setup!

Cheers πŸ™‚

Mr. BallBot “The Transfomer Concept”

A quick concept art that I sketched up for my new upcoming workshop on Transformer setup!

Mr. BallBot transforms from a spherical ball into a bipedal robot, therefore the name goes Mr. BallBot. The concept is still a work in progress and I am constantly figuring out new ideas. The idea is to keep everything simple and subtle.

Well the sketching part was fun now comes the time to start modelling which is going to be fairly technical. Once the modelling is done, I will be posting a 360 turntable video prior to rigging!

I am already excited to see BallBot transform and come to life πŸ™‚

Stay tuned folks The Transformer Workshop is coming soOn … well not that sOon πŸ˜›

Workshop Assets

A compilation image for some of the assets used during the training purpose! Check out The pupPetEEr’s Lounge webpage showcasing some new training workshops for Workshop ON Demand. Cheers πŸ™‚

Auto Rig Tools Workshop

A new Workshop ON Demand has been added to the Menu!!!

Auto Rig Tool workshop will focus on creating a fully customizable bipedal character rig using automated tools. Using these tools one can setup a character rig in a matter of minutes with just a click of a button saving both time and resources to deliver quality rigs. The workshop includes setting up an interactive user interface to create and connect custom rig set for body parts such as head, torso, arm, leg and finger. Tools are created using MEL.”

Please check out The pupPetEEr’s Lounge webpage for more info!

Cheers πŸ™‚

TEJO ~ Muscle Simulation

A little while I posted a link about a WIP image of  TEJO rig! Now here it is, the beast is finally alive. Muscle simulation done using Maya Muscle. Animation was done by Manish Shakya, currently graduating from Animation Mentor! Cheers πŸ™‚

Tejo 360 Turntable!

Here is a 360 degree modeling turntable video of “Tejo”, the muscular creature for my Muscle Setup workshop! I had to work out a nice topology and edge flow maintaining the muscular anatomical volume of the character. Let’s see what this beast is up to with all those brute muscle! Gonna be FUN πŸ˜‰

Facial Motion Capture R&D

Hi there everyone! It’s been a little while since I blogged something about myself πŸ˜‰

Here is a little R&D video of facial MoCap animation. I really wanted to do a MoCap animation for a long time, specially from the moment I watched “The Rise of the Planet of the Apes” movie in the theatre (was an awesome movie). The MoCap animation demonstrated in this video is optics based. I used my mobile phones video camera to record the facial expression footage. Facial markers or stickers used for tracking process were glued to my “skinny” face πŸ˜€

Anyways … a little bit of research work that I did during my weekend! Hope you guys like it πŸ™‚

P.S. The idea, tips and techniques applied in this video is a part of my online rigging workshop for Motion Capture Facial Setup!

More Info : https://puppeteerlounge.com/

Really interesting read blogged by Jonas : http://www.jonasavrin.com/2011/08/16/indie-facial-performance-capture-rd/