Boats with SPONSORs lol
elephant rig 2013 by reza khojasteh
Elephant rig demo by Reza Khojasteh. Good deformation and automation.
Marcellis Wentz – 2012 Gameplay Animation Reel – Halo 4
Gameplay animation reel for Halo 4 by Marcellis Wentz.
The Passions and Techniques of Steven Spielberg
A short analysis of Steven Spielberg’s films by Steven Benedict. This is very motivational and inspiring being educational at the same time.
Student Feedbacks ~ Raluca Feresteanu
In this 15 class Rigging Workshop I learned to construct a complete human rig that any animator will be happy to work with! Every class was very clear and understandable and the schedule was great because I could choose the day and time that I wanted. I am very happy about my decision to take this workshop at Puppeteer Lounge!!!
Thank you Raluca! We are glad that you choose to learn from us. All the best and we are looking forward for a great reel complete with you animation skill-set
Animation Resource ~ Walk-Cycle
A real time demo of how to approach animating a basic 3D walk cycle using Maya!
Walk-Cycle tutorial at Angry Animator:
Pixar Animation Internship Reel 2013
Pixar Animation Internship Reel by Billy Ward.
Rigging Reel by Jorn-Harald Paulsen
Superb rig presentation by Jorn-Harald Paulsen! Great stuff Jorn 🙂
Love it! “MATSUBISHI BUG” lol
Le Gouffre – VidĂ©o dĂ©veloppement 12 – Rig du pont
Props and Mechanical rigging can always be challenging due to certain limitation. Here is a nice example of a suspension bridge rig by Le Gouffre.