Arm deformation test (Fore-arm, Bicep & Tricep) for Puppeteer Lounge‘s Hyper Real Body Setup workshop. Hope you like it!
SHAPES 1.1 – New Features and Improvements
An updated version for Brave Rabbit’s SHAPES tool is now available. Check it out!
Animation Workshop 1 Reel by Puppeteer Lounge student Ratish Shakya
Excellent job by Puppeteer Lounge animation student Ratish Shakya.
Procedural Jellyfish Rig
Ryse Rigging Demoreel
Rigging demoreel by Riham Tolan featuring character from RYSE.
Puppeteer Lounge ~ Modeling Workshop
Hey guys, we are pleased to announce the launch of Puppeteer Lounge‘s latest online
workshop, the Modeling Workshop with our brilliant character/creature
modeler and instructor Mr. Rupesh Kumar Gurung!
Click here for more info on the Modeling Workshop!
Rig with auto rig Python in WIP by Damien VIE
Makai – Rig with auto rig Python in WIP from VIE Damien on Vimeo.
Check out these excellent modular rigging tool demonstration by Puppeteer Lounge‘s student Damien VIE.
If you would like to learn how to create a modular auto rigging tool in Python, you can apply here for the upcoming terms.
How to modify a maya rig to add extra deformation : FOR ANIMATORS
Ever wondered how to modify existing rigs and update them to match your animation need? Here is a nice little rig tip/tutorial for animators by Puppeteer Lounge’s instructor and my long time buddy Marco Giordano on adding extra deformation control to a character rig. Check it out!
“Bunny” Test
A short animated test for a Bunny character we created at Puppeteer Lounge for a TVC.