This is very cool. A blendshape that works based on matching UVs. Awesome toolset by Scott Englert.
infamous second son and first light animation reel
Infamous Second Son animation reel by Sooyun Jang.
One on One Live Animation Training @puppeteerlounge
Understanding the importance of One on One live mentoring, we have updated Puppeteer Lounge Animation Workshop fee structure to now included “Online One on One” mentor-ship program. Previously we featured the Online Group Workshop & Offline Workshops. With the introduction of the Online “One On One” Workshop, it is between you and the instructor. There is no waiting periods for the workshop start date and starts when you are ready, you can take it at your own pace with the assignments! I can tell you how flexible and more personal the training can get with one on one mentor-ship!! We have kept the price to be below average for the course in comparison to other schools, as you already know, at Puppeteer Lounge we focus on quality education at a reasonable rate! So if you are interested in joining the course, feel free to drop me an email.
More info:
The Encounter
A short by Puppeteer Lounge student Julien Duroure and his team at RGBa. Done entirely in #Blender, Julien is responsible for character rigging and animation. Love the look and feel!
Julien joined us for “Cartoon Character Rigging Workshop” and currently is taking Rigging Workshop 3 “Hyper Real Character Setup”. Julien is doing the course entirely in Blender!
SUSMITA ~ “Everest Summiteer”
Sharing with you, Puppeteer Lounge‘s latest animated short “SUSMITA ~ “Everest Summiteer”
Based on a little girl’s (Susmita’s) dream of climbing the highest mountain in the world, Mt. Everest! Susmita maskey is the first Nepali women to have successfully summited all the Seven Summits.
Produced by Susmita Maskey, the first Nepali woman to Climb Seven Summits and the Goodwill Ambassador of Nepal Tourism, “Susmita”, is an animation series in planning to create awareness about violence against Children and Women. Susmita, being a survivor herself strongly believes the need of discussion of the issue not only in public and elite forum but in households and schools.
Watch the version with narration below…
Unreal Engine 4 “TEJO ~ Bodybuilding” Real-Time Demo
Real-time footage from Unreal Engine 4 captured at 4K…
Download the demo and play it on your computer. You can apply now and learn to create a demo like this using Unreal Engine 4. Unreal Engine 4 training course is available with Puppeteer Lounge Game Character Setup training workshop free of cost 🙂
Rigging Reel by student William Esteban Méndez
Character rigging reel by Puppeteer Lounge student William Esteban Méndez from Costa Rica.
You can watch the full version of the demonstration below.
EstebanMendez_CartoonReel from wemendezp on Vimeo.
Congrats Harris Wu
We would like to congratulate our student Harris Wu for his new job as a Rigging TD at Arc Productions (! All the very best 😀
Puppeteer Lounge’s Graduate page!
Check out Harris Wu’s rigging reel below!
Rigging Reel by student Harris Wu from Puppeteer Lounge on Vimeo.
Harris Wu Rigging Reel 2015 from HarrisWu on Vimeo.
Post with Vimeo Video
This is some dummy copy. You’re not really supposed to read this dummy copy, it is just a place holder for people who need some type to visualize what the actual copy might look like if it were real content.
If you want to read, I might suggest a good book, perhaps Hemingway or Melville. That’s why they call it, the dummy copy. This, of course, is not the real copy for this entry. Rest assured, the words will expand the concept. With clarity. Conviction. And a little wit.
In today’s competitive market environment, the body copy of your entry must lead the reader through a series of disarmingly simple thoughts.
Car rig by Martin Gunnarsson
nteresting Car rig demonstration by Martin Gunnarsson. Loved the procedural and dynamic movements!