Jimmy Hulk morph
Jimmy Hulk morph from Jimmy Gordon on Vimeo.
This is cool! Just in time when we are preparing this Hulk Setup
Workshop at Puppeteer Lounge! This is some serious Voodoo magic, all of this in
less than an hour!
Ted Dance Moves
Ted show off his dance moves…
Join us for animation training workshops at Puppeteer Lounge 🙂
Digital Humans: Crossing the Uncanny Valley in Unreal Engine 4 – GDC 2016
Take your time and go through this video! Some clever techniques here for #mocap facial animation. Looks like it’s time to stick my gopro on a head mount to do some perfomance capture and cross the uncanny valley (hehe)… As for the rig here since it is optimised and needs to be driven real-time in UE4, is fairly based on blendshapes and joints. The details come from the wrinkle maps and shading networks. I like the idea how they are using stereo camera to capture the facial performance in pseudo 3D, this helps in realistic facial animation! And yeah the blood flow gives added realism, but looks like they missed the skin pores and dynamics!
Bottom line is 3D facial scans (Blendshapes based on FACS + Multiple combination shapes) + Stereo facial performance capture + Texture Analysis + Dynamic Facial Shading + Realtime Rig Logic system to sync between Maya and UE4 …
Disney Infinity Combat Animation
Game of War (Flesh Sim Breakdown) + WEBINAR @puppeteerlounge
Game of War (Flesh Sim Breakdown) from Ehsan Kiani on Vimeo.
Check out Flesh Simulation Breakdown reel by our guest instructor Ehsan Kiani.
Learn to setup similar rigs by participating at our LIVE Webinar Event
with Ehsan Kiani (LIVE Lecture + LIVE Q&A session + Webinar Video
More Info:
Animation Workshop 1 showreel by student Ronit Shakya
PL Animation Workshop 1 Reel from Ronit Shakya on Vimeo.
Check out the animation workshop 1 showreel by Puppeteer Lounge student Ronit Shakya.
LIVE Webinar @puppeteerlounge with Ehsan Kiani
Join us for an exclusive live webinar event at Puppeteer Lounge with Ehsan Kiani and learn how to setup realistic skin deformation using nCloth and Maya rigging toolset. More info!
You can apply for this webinar event by clicking here or contacting us through email here.
Ted & Eva Pose Demo
Meet Puppeteer Lounge’s new characters Ted & Eva!
Click here to learn to animate with these characters in our Animation Workshop.
Click here to learn to rig with these characters in our Rigging Workshop.