There is mGear for Maya and Rigify for Blender! Me as a self-taught rigger always prefer to learn how to build a custom rig from scratch and then develop a tool to implement it. However lately I have been trying out these autorigger tools and I would say if you are already familier with the concept of rigging and comfortable with it then feel free to use these tools to assist in production. I don’t however recommend these tools to beginners who are getting started with rigging and want to make a career out of it. Take your time to learn the basics, build your own custom rigs and then learn from these tools 🙂
Ryan Gosling but 3D CGI Avatar
Character creation, setup and performance by Puppeteer Lounge student Luis Gerardo GarcÃa Torres.
Blender Rigging Workshops at Puppeteer Lounge
At Puppeteer Lounge, you can now learn to rig characters for film and games using Blender! Rigging Workshop 1, 2, Game Character Setup and Blender Rigify (Mini Workshop) is now available for purchase!
Rigging Demo Reel by Rayner Brian Hendry
Character rigging and muscle simulation by Puppeteer Lounge student Rayner Brian Hendry from Indonesia.
Bugs Bunny 2D Rig Demo
2D Bugs Bunny rig demo by Stephen Iosun. Very impressive!
Francesco Gioia, Rigging/Creature TD Demo Reel 2024
Check out these amazing show-reels by Puppeteer Lounge alumnus Francesco Gioia!
Cartoon spine rigging in Blender!
I have never thought that rigging in Blender would be so much fun! It opens a whole new possibilities of cartoon rigging. Here I experimented with creating a cartoon spine rig with limited number of controllers which is the primary of goal of puppet creation, keeping it simple. If you find it interesting and would like to learn to rig in Blender check out Puppeteer Lounge training workshop programs.
Fundamental difference between rigging in Maya & Blender
In this video I go over building a Spine Rig using Spline IK Handle in Maya and Blender! I am also delighted to share that Puppeteer Lounge is now offering rigging workshop 1 and 2 in Blender as well. Feel free to check out the program on here!
This is Gulu Mulu
GuluMulu is a CGI animation dance series by Puppeteer Lounge featuring Gulu, Mulu and Pika together with their friends.
Brought to you by Puppeteer Lounge!
Ditch Your Smartphone & Start Using Dumbphone!
In a world where many of us are glued to our smartphones, I have ditched mine. Here is my two cents on WHY!?
🙏 This post is a irrevalent to my regular CGI related post but I am sharing it for a social cause!