Simple yet flexible setup done for a phone cord in Softimage by C. J. Cow.
Chris Pagoria Bird Rig
“Now I am confused … Whaaaa!?” ~ Lovely facial setup and animation by Chris Pagoria 🙂
Ninja Vs Pirate
This one is funny. A short by 7 graduates of The One Academy 😀
Cage Facial Setup ~ Puppeteer Lounge
Here is Mr. Head for the latest Cage Facial Setup Workshop. The modelling credit goes to Mr. Francisco Tejo. He did a great job on the facial setup!
Check out Puppeteer Lounge webpage for more info 🙂
Underworld Awakening :: Production Focus
Check out the CG Society production focus on Underworld Awakening. Human to werewolf transformation was really cool!
Facial Pose Test
Pose test showing some fantastic facial shapes by Michael Palleschi. I wonder how much time and attention to detail it must have taken to the sculpting on such hi resolution mesh!
Animation Physics
Animation Physics is a good resource for animation full of tutorials, reference and cool stuffs to look at!
Puppeteer Lounge “BODY MECHANICS”
Body mechanics is the place where most animators “Go Wrong.” If an animation does not have convincing mechanics, it does not look right even to the untrained eye.
The amazing world of BODY MECHANICS has now been added to the list of Puppeteer Lounge‘s online Animation Workshops! Feel free to check the course details from here… Cheers 😉
Hands by Florin Toma
Check out this beautiful animation with nice deformation for two hands by Florin Toma. Hands with personality and character of it’s own! Excellent work 🙂