Procedures in General

What exactly is a procedure? How to declare a procedure? What does a local and global procedure means? How can we return values from a procedure and use it some where else!

Below are the links to useful links dealing on these subject matter. Check it out!

Source :  procedures in MEL!

procedures in MEL:

declaring a procedure – use the “proc” keyword

     proc myProc( ) {

If you execute this in the script editor, it will look like nothing happens.
However, the procedure “myProc” will have been declared and ready for execution
whenever you call the procedure:

     myProc( );

Passing values to a procedure:

     proc myProc( int $count, float $size ) {
          for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++ )
               sphere -r $size;

In the above example, you now need to give the procedure the necessary inputs:

    myProc( 5, 3.5 );
    myProc 5 3.5;

Procedures that return a value (the MSMA book calls this a function):

Put a data type for the returned value after the “proc” keyword.
You must then include the “return” command somewhere in the procedure.

     proc float myProc( float $input ) {
          float $squared = $input * $input;
          return $squared;

If you call this procedure, you can get back the result:

float $squaredResult = myProc( 6 );


Declaring a global procedure – just use the “global” keyword:

     global proc myProc( ) {

By default, a procedure is “local”.
A local procedure can only be called from within the script in which it exists.

A global procedure can be called using the command line or by any other script, expression,
or script node during the maya session.

Often, a script will have one global procedure (perhaps the one that sets up a GUI or
takes input from the command line). The remaining procedures in the script handle tasks
after the global procedure has been called, for purpose of organization and structured

Sometimes a set of scripts are  incorporated to create a sophisticated “tool set” (perhaps
after creating a new shelf tab with a number of custom shelf buttons, etc.). In cases like
this, there may be global procedures that are shared by multiple scripts, avoiding repetition
and ensuring continuity.

External Script Files:

A procedure needs to be global for maya to find it in the external script paths, without
the need to first use the “source” command or menu option.

If you create a new script file and save it in your script path(s), use the command “rehash”
for maya to re-scan the files so that it can find the new procedures.

Link : How to return multiple values in procedure?

From Walking In Place to Walking In Space

A demo on converting or baking animation of a character from local space to world space using the Locinator tool by Keith Osborn. Locinator tool is available at

Useful stuff!