Rest In Peace Neil Alden Armstrong! “One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”
~ Artist Unknown!
Truly an inspirational reel by Jeff Gabor, a lead animator at Blue Sky Studio.
Beautiful short with a surprise ending!
Character setup at it’s best! Beautifully done.
A slow motion portrait of dancer Tim Persent. This is also a very good reference for key poses and body deformation.
Check out this video on advance lighting technique. Really useful stuff.
This is a really nice cloth simulation. Beautiful!
Beautiful cinematic of World of Warcraft by Blizzard. I hope they come up with a movie someday soon!
P.S. The panda looks familiar, doesn’t he!? I believe Master Shifu must be somewhere in the mist 😛
Fancy a frog chick!? Amazing transformation and nice acting huh 😀