Check out the animation show-reel by student
Raluca Feresteanu. Raluca is currently learning character rigging at Puppeteer Lounge. We believe see can be an equally great rigger as
she is an animator! She is a fast learner ๐
pupPetEEr Lounge
Exclusive WEBINAR on Skinning Tips & Techniques update
Hello Folks! If you are interested to
participate with me in Puppeteer Lounge’s online event going over advance topics in character
skinning then hurry up and apply now. Registration Deadline to apply is
3rd September!
Cartoony Character Rig by Achim Wirth
Check out the rigging reel by Achim Wirth, one of my star student at Puppeteer Lounge. Take a look at above reel where Achim has brought “Charlie” to life!
DemoReel 2013 – Damien VIE Junior Td Rigger
Check out the rigging reel by Damien VIE. He learned character rigging from Puppeteer Lounge and he is one of my talented student!
Puppeteer Lounge Rigging Show Reel ~ Summer | Fall 2013
A compilation of rigging works from our students for rigging workshops.
Apply now and learn character rigging from us!
Apply Here :
More Info on Rigging Workshop :
More Info on Rigging Consultant :
Best Wishes to all our talented students ๐
Exclusive WEBINAR on Skinning Tips & Techniques
At Puppeteer Lounge we are conducting the 2nd episode of our Exclusive WEBINAR.
Come join us to learn the Tips & Techniques of Character Skinning and create great looking deformation!
For More Info, click here.
Apply Now to secure your seat!
Hurry Up! Limited seats ๐
Rigging Workshop 2 Reel by Damien VIE
Check out the latest show-reel by Puppeteer Lounge student Damien Vie featuring what he learn from Rigging Workshop 2. Good job Damien ๐
Bill Broeckel’s shares his opinion in facial animation polishing
Puppeteer Lounge animation instructor, Bill Broeckel shares his opinion on facial animation polishing:
“Often times when animator run into polishing the facial animation, it
becomes intense and confusing! Keys get shuffled all around and you need
to be able to keep track of them so to spot errors quickly, or when you
have a hiccup and are wondering what’s causing it. The curve editor
will of course come into play as well, but not as much as for the body;
it’ll be more of like a rough pass to get some curves going and then the
rest is just placing keys and not worrying too much of what the curves
are doing.”
Apply Now to learn character animation at Puppeteer Lounge!
Rigging Workshop 2 Reel by Achim Writh
Check out the rigging reel by Puppeteer Lounge student Achim Wirth.
Facial expression from TWR

range of facial expression and poses for a cartoon baseball player
character from The White Rabbit Animation Studios where Puppeteer Lounge
is currently providing it’s Online Character Rigging Consultant service
! Nice job by the riggers and the team from Taiwan:)