Check out this CG head replacement demo!
Check out Puppeteer Lounge‘s student Damien VIE’s latest work on tool development. Kickstarter campaign is launching a Kickstarter campaign to upgrade their site with new tool improvement
which allows you to browse and scrub frame by frame through their 1800+
online video references. Check it out!
Production Rig Examples – BGS
Rig demo by Harry Gladwin Geoghegan.
Sanima Bank TVC “CG Live Action Integration”
Puppeteer Lounge‘s very first Nepali TVC featuring two of the famous Nepali celebs Mr. Madan Krishna Shrestha and Mr. Hari Bansha Acharya. Puppeteer Lounge is responsible for all CG elements in the TVC.
Skinning Tips & Techniques with Suchan Raj Bajracharya Teaser “Demo”
Recently we conducted a Webinar session on Skinning Tips & Technique where I hosted the program. Check out a short demo on the Live Webinar session we conducted at Puppeteer Lounge.
If you are interested in purchasing the Webinar recording, contact us!
Little Freak
Nice short by Edwin Schaap. Love the emotion!
Brilliant work by artist Anthony Cerniello where he attempts to emulate the aging process of a person.
Muscles update by Paul smith
Great deformation!
Beautiful short from GOBELINS!