Well we tried out some dance moves for the APE rig done by my student Hen Avisror for his Rigging Workshop 2 assignment. Also I am really happy to hear that Hen Avisror recently landed a job as Junior Rigger at Snowball Vfx Company 😁 thanks to this demo-reel 🥳. Congratulations!
Miria Kutzner – 3D Rigging Show Reel 2021
Nice one!
Rigging & Tools Reel by John Smith
Cartoon bird rig demo by Rija
"Canary" Rig Demo from Rija on Vimeo.
Loved the wing setup, very clever solution!
Realistic facial rig by José Péricles.
[SIGGRAPH ASIA 2022] Video-driven Neural Physically-based Facial Asset for Production
Awesome rigging reel by Ignacio Barrios.
Cartoon Quadruped Setup by Alba Gastañaduy | Student Demo Reel
Cartoon horse rigging by Puppeteer Lounge student Alba Gastañaduy.
Hand setup with automated wrinkle maps by Pavlo Kotliar
The making of a rig by Iker J. delos Mozos.
A good read! Check out the post by Iker J. delos Mozos.