Check out these beautiful show-reels by Puppeteer Lounge student Nikki Christie from Scotland.
Unreal Skaarj Fanart
Unreal Fanart from Ben Erdt on Vimeo.
This is beautiful!
Proportional Modifier Setup Demo
This video goes over Proportional Modifier Setup which can be applied on-to existing character rig to create multiple character variation from the same base rig. This approach can also be used in fixing, fine-tuning or polishing the look, appearance and silhouette of a character during animation.
To learn more about Proportional Modifier Setup, take a look at Puppeteer Lounge’s Morphing Character Setup Workshop. You can watch Morphing Character Setup Demo below:
BoGo Morphing Character Setup Demo from Puppeteer Lounge on Vimeo.
Maya Command Search
Looks like a great tool to speed up the workflow
Rigging an Ogre for Shrek4
Deformation demonstration of the Ogre character from Shrek 4 (Forever After) movie by David Otte.
FACS Facial Rig Discussion
FACS Facial Rig Discussion by Puppeteer Lounge alumni Mathias Røyrvik.
Super Toon Animation Workshop @puppeteerlounge
At Puppeteer Lounge, we have introduced a new mini-workshop “Super Toon Character Animation”. The training workshop focuses on full body shot with a Super Toon Cartoon character for films where students will learn to animate an entertaining shot with full body gestures and facial emotions giving importance to Traditional 2D Cartoon look and style by implementing Smears, Multiples and other Animation Gimmicks.
Watch Puppeteer Lounge’s Super Toon Character Bucky Bunny Rig Demo below.
Puppeteer Lounge Intro Animation
Puppeteer Lounge’s new Intro Animation featuring Bucky Bunny. Character Animation by Puppeteer Lounge instructor and animator Sachina Shakya.
Learn to rig Bucky Bunny at Puppeteer Lounge 🙂
Learn to animate with Bucky Bunny at Puppeteer Lounge 🙂
Character Setup show-reel by student Ogulcan Otayman
Character Setup show-reel by student Ogulcan Tayman from Puppeteer Lounge on Vimeo.
Character Setup show-reel by Puppeteer Lounge’s student Ogulcan Otayman
Check out the the first 8 minutes of The Lord Inquisitor, a full CGI short movie set in the universe of Warhammer 40k created and Directed by Erasmus Brosdau.
The short movie is the outcome of collaborative effort of very talented artists from around the globe. Puppeteer Lounge is very proud to be a part of this team!
Watch a quick rig test done for the lead character in the short below!
Marcus Allenbrisk (Rig Test) ~ Sci-Fi – CGI – Warhammer 40,000 from Suchan Bajracharya on Vimeo.