Snappers advanced FACS based adaptive facial rig running real-time inside Unreal Engine. Very impressive!
Demoreel by Deivid Garcia Betancourt
Demoreel_2017 from Deivid Cg Artist on Vimeo.
Check out this rigging demo-reel by Puppeteer Lounge student Deivid Garcia Betancourt.
ZIVA VFX Hyper Real Quadruped Setup | Musculoskeletal Breakdowns
ZIVA VFX Hyper Real Quadruped Setup | Musculoskeletal Breakdowns from Puppeteer Lounge on Vimeo.
Here is the finished output of Tiger walk-cycle test with ZIVA VFX state of the art tissue system. Overall a great tool-set! Me together with our in-house artist had a great time bringing the tiger to life. There are a few glitches here and there which we will improve with iteration. Again for those of you who would like to learn and explore the world of ZIVA VFX tissue system, please feel free to check out Puppeteer Lounge Rigging Workshop. Thanks π
Puppeteer Lounge Hyper Real Quadruped Setup | Musculoskeletal Breakdowns
Hyper Real Quadruped Setup | Musculoskeletal Breakdowns from Puppeteer Lounge on Vimeo.
This breakdown shows realistic quadruped character (Tiger) deformation rig driven by Maya Muscle system based intuitive rig to create realistic-looking outer body deformation, from skeleton to muscles. This rig features in Puppeteer Lounge Hyper Real Quadruped Setup training workshop. Learn to setup realistic quadruped rig at Puppeteer Lounge!
Face Rigging Practice #2 by Veronica Morera
Face Rigging Practice #2 from Vero Morera on Vimeo.
Character setup by Veronica Morera with 2D expressions. Very cute!
PIGEON MAN from Wayne Carlisi on Vimeo.
Pigeon Man by Wayne Carlisi. Very funny π
How Time Flies
Rigging Show Reel ~ Summer 2012 from Puppeteer Lounge on Vimeo.
Time flies when you’re having fun training. Sharing with you a treat from the past. It’s been over 6 years π
Character Rigging showreel by Raka S. Saptamardhika (Puppeteer Lounge Rigging Workshop 2)
Character Rigging showreel by student Raka S. Saptamardhika (Rigging Workshop 2) from Puppeteer Lounge on Vimeo.
Character Setup show-reel (Rigging Workshop 2) by Puppeteer Lounge student Raka S. Saptamardhika from Indonesia. Character Model by Julie Tardieu. Character Animation by Puppeteer Lounge student Nitin Shakya.
Facial Setup by student Raka S. Saptamardhika
Facial Setup by student Raka S. Saptamardhika from Puppeteer Lounge on Vimeo.
Facial Setup by Puppeteer Lounge student Raka S. Saptamardhika and Facial Animation by Puppeteer Lounge student Nitin Shakya. Great Combo!
PREY: Facial System
PREY: Facial System from NicholasSilveira on Vimeo.
Facial setup by Nicholas Silveira.