Reverse foot rolll with maya nodes

Check out this rigging tutorial by Marco on setting up a reverse foot setup using maya nodes unlink using traditional set-driven keys or expression! Kinda long video but he did a good job explaining 😉

iPad GUI with 3DSMAX

Check out this cool test video by Iker showing an ipad touch screen GUI to control the facial rig in 3dsMax. Iker mentions that he used TouchOSC and Motion Capture controllers on 3DSMAX to create an interface that allows the user to set expressions on the character using an iPad!

Love Birds ;)

Check out my little video on little love birds in action! The video was captured with Samsung Galaxy SII.

Le Building

A funny Short film by Olivier Staphylas for his final thesis project at the French animation school “Gobelins”. He is currently Head of Animation at Dreamworks!

Check out the making of this amazing short below… The technique used in the short to create a blend of 2D and 3D is really cool. The rigs are really nice to look at 🙂

The Look of ‘Rango’

Behind the scene look at the unique look of ILM’s first animated feature, Rango! Really nice insight on how the actor’s performance (e-motion) were captured to bring out the CG act. This should be one of the most atmospheric animated movie and in the video we can get an in depth glimpse of how it was realized.

Sense of Flying

This should be terrifying and fun at the same time! He is gliding too close to the ground and the tree tops. I should say gliding on the edge! Awesome …