Check out this video demo of an anatomy app for artist. This is really great resource 🙂
Rigging Demo Reel Joan Martinez
Rigging reel featuring a wide range of cartoony characters and props by Joan Martinez.
SOuP Development ~ Peter & Jimmy
Check out some awesome examples featured at SOuP development by Peter Shipkov! Tons of Houdini like features in Maya. The really cool stuff is that Peter Shipkov just created Tension BlendShape SOuP node and it now has been added to SOuP Toolbox!
My awesome regards to
Peter Shipkov and of course Jimmy Gunawan, one of my brilliant student for sharing with us. Feel free to check out Jimmy’s blog for awesome resources and his crazy experiments 🙂
Here is Jimmy’s latest post on implementing the Tension BlendShape SOuP node into “Maka” which features in Puppeteer Lounge facial rigging workshop. Below is the video demo! He has done a really nice experiment.
In Between
Beautiful short!
CutAuto Quadrupedal AutoRigger
Auto rig tool demo for cut out character animation by Mahmoodreza Aarabi.
Nice facial animation and deformation.
Jimmy’s Blog
Let me introduce to you all Mr. Jimmy Gunawan from Sydney, Australia. He has been studying Advance Character Rigging from Puppeteer Lounge and me being his personal online mentor. I have to say that he is a really passionate and a very diligent artist with bright future ahead of him. I wish him the very best!
Feel free to check out some of his works and resourceful stuff that he put together in his Blog! He got tons of useful tips, resource, ideas and experiments 🙂
Below is one of his recent work featuring a “deformation” calisthenics test using Corrective Blendshapes driven by SOup (by Peter Shipkov) tension map on Tejo!
Below are some of his recent experiments and breakthroughs:
BallOo 2.0
Making Puppets
2D cut out character rigged in Blender. Nice style and technique.
QTown timelapse – building a procedural megacity
Megacity build procedurally!