This animated short really made my day. So beautiful!
1 Minute of the Most Lifelike RT Character by Ziva Dynamics
1 Minute of the Most Lifelike RT Character by Ziva Dynamics from Ziva Dynamics on Vimeo.
A Conversation with a Ziva Real-Time Character from Ziva Dynamics on Vimeo.
This is truly amazing a game changer! All this in real-time running inside UE5. Hat’s of the guys at ZIVA VFX!!
Anyways I am currently on a waiting list to try it out! Apparantly the tool uses a library of 4D facial scans with the help of machine learning AI to create life like facial expression. I have a feeling that it is very much like deep fake. Just my thoughts but we will wait and see 🙂
NÖS – rigging/cfx reel Muscle
NÖS – rigging/cfx reel from Halldóra Eir Hilmarsdóttir on Vimeo.
Interesting approach on Maya muscle based rigging by Halldóra Eir Hilmarsdóttir.
Martin Gunnarsson Reel 2016
Cartoon Character Rigging by Bruno Silva | Student Demo Reel
Character Setup (Super Toon Character Setup) by Puppeteer Lounge student Bruno Silva from Brazil. Well done Bruno!
Love, Death & Robots
Love, Death & Robots… how did I miss these mini episodes on Netflix for so long! Some amazing CGI shorts…
Rigging Reel by José Miguel Puche Díaz
Rigging Reel May 2018 – José Miguel Puche Díaz from José Miguel Puche Díaz on Vimeo.
Really lovely cartoon setups, loved the dog rig too!
Wrinkle pass overlay with ZIVA VFX simulation by Christopher Macwana
Wrinkle_hires from Christopher Macwana on Vimeo.
Interesting approach of using custom shapes to generate wrinkles on skin simulation with ZIVA VFX by Christopher Macwana.
Francesco Gioia, Rigging/Creature TD demo reel – October 2020
Rigging show-reel by Puppeteer Lounge student Francesco Gioia. Would like to congratulate Francesco on landing a new job at MPC in London! All the very best buddy!!
Rookies Awards 2021 Rigging Entry by Chris Orfanidis
Rookies Awards 2021 Rigging Entry from C.O on Vimeo.
Congratulation to Chris Orfanidis on landing a job at Pixomondo! Glad you found our rigging consultancy program fruitful! All the very best!!