ROSA is an epic sci-fi short film that takes place in a post-apocalyptic world.

ngSkinTools demo

Really handy tool for skinning. Brilliant stuff. Skinning is based on layered approach pretty much like photoshop. Go ahead and check it out. You will love it once you get hang of it 🙂

Download it!

Rigging Consultant ~ Puppeteer Lounge.

Recently at Puppeteer Lounge we have started a totally new genre of online learning platform through our Online Character Rigging Consultant service.

Basically the consultant service is similar to the online workshop, however with consultant service you get to learn with your team on production related task at your studio or company. The consultant service goes over review, mentor-ship,  guidance and supervision with artist working at studio and production house.

It’s our great pleasure to teach rigging team from studio around the world 🙂

For more info, check out the Puppeteer Lounge’s Rigging Consultant page!

The above picture features Monkey King, one of the greatest fictional character being brought to life at The White Rabbit Entertainment, Inc. We are pleased to provide our very first Online Character Rigging Consultant service to the team at The White Rabbit Animation Studios.