Superb showreel featuring contents with the Arnold renderer.
CBS Idents – Making of Hero
Making of CBS Idents.
David Vega – Character TD Winter 2012/2013 Reel
Rigging and Tool reel by David Vega. He is currently working as a Character TD for the short movie “Them Greek..!”
See how the puppet for Edward the giant troll from Hansel and Gretal was brought to life. Brilliant work!
Not CGI!
Anatomy 4 sculptors
Recently stumbled upon a Facebook page in-titled Anatomy 4 sculptors. Nice site with tons of reference for all CG artists for human anatomy! Check it out here.
MAYA PLUGIN : MG_pathSpine , fast and flexible spine
MAYA PLUGIN : MG_pathSpine , fast and flexible spine demo by Marco Giordano.
Clever Ad done by Elefant Studios 😀
Rigging & Animation Reel by Simon Geoffriau
Really impressive reels by Simon Geoffriau.
The character deformation really stand out in his rigging reel which good demonstration of muscle and facial articulation.
Adam and Dog
Beautiful short by Minkyu Lee.