Character rigging demo reel by Stephen Wong.
Rigging Reel – April 2013 – Josh Sobel
Character rigging demo reel by Josh Sobel.
“Strange Oaks” Rigging breakdown
Rigging breakdown for “Strange Oaks” by Miquel Campos.
Check out his rigging reel below.
Ciao for Now
Beautiful animation by Juandi.
51 Great Animation Exercises to Master
Useful post on animation exercises at Animator Island. Check it out and start exercising today 🙂
Terms used for Character Rigger
Character Rigging is the most confusing and misunderstood process in 3D animation pipeline!
It goes by many names:
i. Character Setup
ii. Character Rigging
iii. Character Enveloping
iv. Character Puppeting
v. Character Technical Director (TD)
vi. Technical Artist
vii. Technical Animator
viii. Creature Technical Director (TD)
GTC 2013: Face Works
Advance Real Time Character Performance demo by NVIDIA Co-founder and CEO Jen-Hsun Huang featuring Face Works technology running on the GeForce GTX TITAN GPU to create realistic simulation of human face. There is still a long way to go pass the Uncanny Valley but this looks promising!
Student Animation Snippet Exercise
principles of animation have been laid down by Disney Animators Frank
Thomas and Ollie Johnston in the “Illusion of life ” in 1981.
Some more concepts have been added over the years and one of the most
important addition, or clarification, is the concept of “weight shift”.
Here is a quick animation snippet by student Rajson Shakya.
Action is another of the cornerstones of animation. By overlapping the
actions of a characters’ body, hair, tail, clothing or for this
exercise, the arm; your animation will feel more fluid and life-like!
Here is a quick animation snippet by student Niroj Karmacharya.
To learn like Rajson and Niroj, apply to Puppeteer Lounge!
facerig test by erazerhead
Check out the face rig test by erazerhead! Cool stuff. It would have been even better if he had screen captured it 🙂
Houdini sparrow rig
Interesting Bird rig with procedural wing animation done in Houdini by Valerio Di Napoli.