OK! So today 7/7/2011 was the day for Inauguration function at Black Box Animation & VFX Academy. The really good thing is I first stepped my foot into the world of CG Animation, beginning with traditional animation from Transcube Animation which happens to be founded by the same person, Mr. Suyogya Man Tuladhar. I worked with him for the past 6 years and today he honored me with a special Certificate in Achievements in the field of Character Rigging & Animation! The certificate was handed down to me by Mr. Kiran Bhakta Joshi who is a former Walt Disney Animation Studios veteran. He worked at Disney as a VFX Supervisor for over 17 years and return back to Nepal to start his own animation studio, Incessant Rain Animation Studio. I worked with him for the the past 4 years as a Lead Senior Rigger and CG Supervisor. I am really thankful to Mr. Suyogya Man Tuladhar, Mr. Kiran Bhakta Joshi and the entire Black Box team; I wish them the very best and great success! I will be conducting  part time character rigging workshops and will be a part of the special board adviser for the academy. It’s a great honor for me ๐Ÿ˜€

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